Handling a Difficult Customer

Wouldn’t the world be a better place if every consumer was pleasant to deal with? We all know it’s a fantasy land. So, what is the best technique to deal with a tough customer? Participants in our program will learn stress management techniques, how to establish rapport, and how to recognize specific body language.

Your participants will benefit from our Handling a Difficult Customer training, which will improve customer service, efficiency, and reduce the number of disgruntled customers. Your participants will learn effective in-person and over-the-phone strategies, as well as how to handle complaints and generate repeat business.

INR 199 / USD 10

Module 1

  • The Right Attitude Starts with You
  • Be Grateful
  • Make Gratitude a Habit
  • Keep Your Body Healthy
  • Invoke Inner Peace
  • Knowledge Check

Module 2

  • Stress Management (Internal Stressors)
  • Irritability
  • Unhappiness With Your Job
  • Feeling Underappreciated
  • Not Well Rested
  • Knowledge Check

Module 3

  • Stress Management (External Stressors)
  • Manage Your Work Space
  • Loud Work Environment
  • Co-Worker Relations
  • Demanding Supervisor
  • Knowledge Check

Module 4

  • Transactional Analysis
  • What is Transactional Analysis?
  • Parent
  • Child
  • Adult
  • Knowledge Check

Module 5

  • Why Are Some Customers Difficult?
  • They Have Truly Had a Bad Experience and Want to Vent
  • Want Someone to be Held Accountable
  • They Have Truly Had a Bad Experience and Want Resolution
  • They are Generally Unhappy
  • Knowledge Check

Module 6

  • Dealing With the Customer Over the Phone
  • Listen to the Customer’s Complaint
  • Build Rapport
  • Do Not Respond with Negative Words or emotions
  • Offer a Verbal Solution to Your Customer
  • Knowledge Check

Module 7

  • Dealing With the Customer In Person
  • Listen to the Customer’s Concerns
  • Build Rapport
  • Respond with Positive Words and Body Language
  • Aside From Words
  • Knowledge Check

Module 8

  • Sensitivity in Dealing with Customers
  • Customers Who are Angry
  • Customers Who are Rude
  • Customers with Different Cultural Values
  • Customers Who Cannot be Satisfied
  • Knowledge Check

Module 9

  • Scenarios of Dealing with a Difficult Customer
  • Angry Customer
  • Rude Customer
  • A Customer From Another Culture
  • An Impossible to Please Customer
  • Knowledge Check

Module 10

  • Following up With a Customer Once You Have Addressed Their Issue
  • Call the Customer
  • Send the Customer an Email
  • Mail the Customer a Small Token
  • Snail-Mail a Handwritten or Typed Letter
  • Knowledge Check


  • Post-Test

INR 199 / USD 10

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