Change Management

Change is a constant in many people’s life. Technologies, processes, people, ideas, and approaches are always changing, influencing how we conduct daily jobs and live our lives. A smooth transition when change comes is essential in every setting, and this course will teach your attendees some crucial skills.

The Change Management training will provide any leader with the tools they need to make changes more smoothly and with more acceptance. This program will also provide all attendees with an awareness of how change is implemented, as well as techniques for controlling their responses to change.

INR 199 / USD 10

Module 1

  • Preparing for Change
  • Defining Your Strategy
  • Building the Team
  • Knowledge Check

Module 2

  • Identifying the WIFM
  • Factors that influence WIFM are: What’s in it for Me?
  • Building Support
  • Knowledge Check

Module 3

  • Understanding Change
  • Influences on Change
  • Common Reactions to Change
  • Tools to Help the Change Process
  • Knowledge Check

Module 4

  • Leading and Managing the Change
  • Preparing and Planning
  • Delegating
  • Keep the Lines of Communication Open
  • Coping with Pushback
  • Knowledge Check

Module 5

  • Gaining Support
  • Gathering Data
  • Addressing Concerns and Issues
  • Evaluating and Adapting
  • Knowledge Check

Module 6

  • Making it All Worthwhile
  • Leading Status Meetings
  • Celebrating Successes
  • Sharing the Results and Benefits
  • Knowledge Check

Module 7

  • Using Appreciative Inquiry
  • The Four Stages
  • The Purposes of Appreciative Inquiry
  • Examples and Case Studies
  • Knowledge Check

Module 8

  • Bringing People to Your Side
  • A Dash of Emotion
  • Plenty of Facts
  • Knowledge Check

Module 9

  • Building Resiliency
  • What is resilience?
  • Why is It Important?
  • Five Easy Steps for the Leader and the Individual
  • Knowledge Check

Module 10

  • Building Flexibility
  • What is Flexibility?
  • Why is it Important?
  • Five Easy Steps for the Leader and the Individual
  • Knowledge Check


  • Post-Test

INR 199 / USD 10

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