Workplace Violence

To avoid a hostile work environment, workplace harassment needs to be recognized, disapproved of, and prevented. If harassment is not stopped, it can turn violent. Training on workplace violence and harassment is crucial for ensuring the security of all workers.
Everyone must be able to recognize those who might be violently inclined in order to prevent workplace violence. Our course will assist your participants in identifying specific behaviors and reduce the likelihood of situations getting out of hand. In addition to providing coping and responding strategies, this program will assist participants in recognizing the warning signals.

INR 199 / USD 10

 Module 1

  • What Is Workplace Harassment?
  • How to Identify
  • Costs to Your Business
  • The Legal Side of Harassment
  • Psychological
  • Knowledge Check

Module 2

  • Identifying the Bully
  • Abusive Workplace Behaviors
  • Bullying and Personality Disorders
  • Narcissism
  • Knowledge Check

Module 3

  • How to Handle Workplace Violence
  • Types of Behavior
  • Target the Behavior, Not the Person
  • Implement an Action Plan
  • Knowledge Check

Module 4

  • Risk Assessment (I)
  • Understanding Anger and Aggression
  • Defusing & De-escalating Strategies
  • Communication Skills
  • Tactical Options
  • Knowledge Check

Module 5

  • Risk Assessment (II)
  • Identifying the Hazard
  • Assessing the Risk
  • Controlling the Risk
  • Evaluating & Review
  • Knowledge Check

Module 6

  • Being the Victim
  • What is Not Considered Bullying
  • Steps to Take
  • Knowledge Check

Module 7

  • Checklist for Employers
  • 4 Step Process
  • Addressing All Employees
  • Code of Ethics
  • Policy and Procedures
  • Knowledge Check

Module 8

  • Interview Process
  • Identify a Bully in the Interview Process
  • Warning Signs
  • Bullying Scenario
  • Knowledge Check

Module 9

  • Investigation Process
  • Advising Your Supervisor
  • Lodging the Complaint
  • Initial Response
  • The Investigation
  • The Findings
  • Review & Closure
  • Knowledge Check

Module 10

  • Developing a Workplace Harassment Policy
  • Scope and Philosophy
  • Principles
  • Intent
  • Options
  • Informal Complaint Process
  • Formal Investigation Process
  • Knowledge Check


  • Post-Test

INR 199 / USD 10

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