Ten Soft Skills You Need Course

It can be challenging to define what soft skills are at times. That special quality or feature may be what makes for excellent communication. It can be your unique approach to projecting confidence in a demanding circumstance. With this excellent workshop, managing these and other events will be easier.

Your participants will start to understand how crucial it is to establish a core set of soft skills after attending our workshop, Ten Soft Skills You Need. Your participants will get better at practically every facet of their careers by controlling and observing how people interact and by adopting a fresh perspective.

INR 199 / USD 10

Module 1

  • What Are Soft Skills?
  • Definition of Soft Skills
  • Empathy and the Emotional Intelligence Quotient
  • Professionalism
  • Learned vs. Inborn Traits
  • Knowledge Check

Module 2

  • Communication
  • Ways We Communicate
  • Improving Nonverbal Communication
  • Listening
  • Openness and Honesty
  • Knowledge Check

Module 3

  • Teamwork
  • Identifying Capabilities
  • Get Into Your Role
  • Learn the Whole Process
  • The Power of Flow
  • Knowledge Check

Module 4

  • Problem-Solving
  • Define the Problem
  • Generate Alternative Solutions
  • Evaluate the Plans
  • Implementation and Re-Evaluation
  • Knowledge Check

Module 5

  • Time Management
  • The Art of Scheduling
  • Prioritizing
  • Managing Distractions
  • The Multitasking Myth
  • Knowledge Check

Module 6

  • Attitude and Work Ethic
  • What Are You Working For?
  • Caring for Others vs Caring for Self
  • Building Trust
  • Work Is Its Own Reward
  • Knowledge Check

Module 7

  • Adaptability/Flexibility
  • Getting Over the Good Old Days Syndrome
  • Changing to Manage Process
  • Changing to Manage People
  • Showing You’re Worth Your Weight in Adaptability
  • Knowledge Check

Module 8

  • Self-Confidence (Owning It)
  • Confident Traits
  • Self-Questionnaire
  • Surefire Self-Confidence Building Tactics
  • Build Up Others
  • Knowledge Check

Module 9

  • Ability to Learn
  • Wow, You Mean I’m Not Perfect?
  • Listen with an Open Mind
  • Analyze and Learn
  • Clear the Air and Don’t Hold Any Grudges
  • Knowledge Check

Module 10

  • Networking
  • Redefine Need
  • Identifying Others’ Interests
  • Reach Out
  • When to Back Off
  • Knowledge Check

INR 199 / USD 10

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