TBML and Financial Crimes Training program
Trade based Money Laundering & Financial Crimes
Self Learning Training program
SIFL Trade based Money Laundering & Financial Crimes Program is a well designed program for the desk officers handling Trade Finance desk to understand the intricacies of the Trade based money laundering & Financial Crimes. The Program has live cases and Case Studies through which the target audience will understand TBML & FC in details and how to combat the menace.
Benefits of the Programme:
- Self-learners understand the importance of prevention of Trade Based Money Laundering
- Self Learners gain knowledge about the Money Laundering practices utilized by the traders especially in cross border trading
- Precautions to be taken to mitigate & combat the menace of TBML
- Compliance in trade finance business w.r.t TBML
- Thorough understanding of TBML through Case studies of TBML
Self-Learning Program-Best suited for?
- Trade Finance Professionals
- Banks to attain Enhanced Risk Management, Effective Transaction Monitoring & Client Due Diligence
- Compliance Officers and AML Professionals
- Law Enforcement Personnel
- Legal Professionals
- Students and Researchers
- Business Owners and Entrepreneurs
Course deliverables:
- Registration to SIFL Learning Platform
- Study Material soft copy & Audio Book
- Audio Presentation for explanation of the TBML
- SIFL Mock/Assessment test
- Case studies
- One SIFL Final Mock tests
- Certificate for Learners Who Are Succeed at the SIFL Institute Final Test.
❖Introduction to Trade Based Money Laundering
❖Mechanism & Channels TBML
- Invoice Manipulation
- Diamond Trade
- Gold Trade
- E-Commerce & Services Industries
❖Other Channels for TBML
- Shell & Front Companies
- Hawala Operators
- Non-Govt. Organizations
- Crypto Currencies
- Smurfing
- Other Channel
❖Best Practices to count TBML
❖TBML Prone areas in Import business
❖TBML Prone areas in Export business
❖International guidelines on TBML
❖Organization Assisting in combating TBML
❖Discussion on Case Studies